Attention artists and art enthusiasts! Have you ever felt like your career is vulnerable to disasters or emergencies? Well, I know the feeling. Touch The Heart Art recently launched the “Artist Career Safeguard Project” with the sole objective of taking steps to protect my studio and career as an artist. As an artist, you know how important it is to safeguard your career and ensure that nothing comes in the way of your passion.

Last week, the project kicked off with an exciting upgrade to the Highland studio. This involved the installation of 15 sneeze guards and an adjustable drawing desk, specifically designed to support the new guards. This means that the studio is now equipped with Covid-friendly supplies and equipment, allowing artists to continue working on their craft without any interruptions.

But why is this upgrade so significant? Well, the Highland studio is a collaborative environment where artists come together to learn and grow. It’s a hub of creativity where drawing classes are held every Tuesday and Thursday, which are taught by yours truly. The “Artist Career Safeguard Project” ensures that disasters like Covid won’t halt our classes and keep us from doing what we love.

Remember, if you love your art, you have to protect it! So join us in safeguarding your career and let’s continue creating beautiful pieces of art, even in the face of adversity.

This project is supported by CERF+ and the Mellon Foundation through a grant administered by the Arts Council of Greater Baton Rouge.

I would like to express our sincere gratitude to the Arts Council of Greater Baton Rouge and CERF+ Safety Net for their support and contribution to the success of this project. Thank you for your commitment to supporting the arts and artists in our community. Together, let’s continue to safeguard our careers and create art that touches the hearts of others.

If you’re interested in learning more about “Get Ready Grants” please visit https://www.artsbr.org/grg. And if you would like to join my drawing classes at the Highland Center, please don’t hesitate to email me at touchtheheartartsd@gmail.com.

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